Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Title and Fonts

Our Film Title is: SATANS SWINDLE

We picked this title out of a range of others:


As our film opening sequence is about Demons and the Devil, we thought the title linked well with our horror sub-genre. As well as the word SWINDLE; definition-

  • cheat somebody of something: to obtain something from somebody, especially money, by deception or fraud
  • fraudulent transaction: a transaction in which one person or organization obtains something from another by deception or fraud
  • The plot of our opening sequence has involved a demon 'tricking' the teenage girl.

    Here are the range of title fonts we picked out-

    Out of all the fonts, we used the font MONOMADDNESS

    MONOMADDNESS was used from the website DAFONT.com

    Characters and Casting Ideas

    Production Company

    For our Production Company name we decided with "INDISTINCTIVE PRODUCTIONS".

     We got the fonts from - http://www.dafont.com/

    Eventually, we decided the font "ERTHQAKE" was best for the production company name.
    We chose this font because the suits the definition to "INDISTINCTIVE" - where the audience are not capable of making a distinction, so the audience are first established with the fear of what is going to happen even before the film starts off.

    Horror Questionnaire Results

    Monday, 13 January 2014

    Filming techniques: 180 Degree Rule

    As our Preliminary task involved us to use the 180 degree rule, we thought this video is an illustration of how to understand the technique in film making.

    Preliminary Task

    Our Preliminary Task is an exercise in continuity, it involved us to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room, sitting down in a chair opposite a different character and exchanging a couple lines of dialogue.

    Saturday, 11 January 2014

    Analysis of Carrie (2013) Opening Sequence

    Opening Title Sequence 

    In an Opening Sequence, it allows the audience to create a connection between themselves and the characters. At the start of this opening sequence, there is a definite ICONOGRAPHY of blood with the baby and mother- connoting horror. It leads the audience to attempt to solve the enigma puzzles... why is there blood there? What has happened? They are immediately set in a path of the narrative. Also the non-diagetic sounds guide the audience's emotions- suspense is created.