Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Evaluation question #3 - What kind of media institution might distribute your film and why?

Evaluation question #2 - How does your media product re-present particular social groups?

Evaluation question #7 - In what way does your media product use, develop or challenge codes and conventions of real media?

Filming Update

While editing our opening sequence, we couldn't put our production logo and font onto the software. So we had to change both the logo and font from this:

to this:

Now, we made a new logo to put on our opening sequence:

Also, with iMovie the font we downloaded from DAFONT.COM was not compatible and we had a few difficulties putting it on our opening sequence. In the end, we changed how we put it on the film and it worked. OUR FONT (TITLE) SATAN'S SWINDLE.

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Evaluation question #1 - How did we attract/address our audience?

Evaluation task #4 - Who would be the audience for your media products?

Evaluation question #5 - What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


we used this dress for our demon, we made this from an old dust sheet. We covered it in fake blood, also we used the fake blood on the window.
We also used lots of make up on the demon's face t make her look scary, we also back combed her hair to add to affect.
We edited the lighting in the bedroom scene, to make the demon look darker and scarier for the audience, also it was lighter in Adalyn's shots to show her innocence.


Evaluation question #6 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Target Audience


Our target audience is the age group of 15-24 year olds.
This age group would most likely be interested in this sub-genre of horror, especially females. This is because the age and gender used in our opening sequence is used in our opening sequence.


is a term providing psychological relief for the audience through the expression of strong emotion when they see something on sceen (e.g villain is found)

The word comes from a greek word, Katharsis meaning 'purification' or 'cleansing' and is a sudden emotional breakdown or climax that constitutes overwhelming feelings of great pity, sorrow, laughter, or any extreme change in emotion that results in renewal, restoration, and revitalization.

We used a carthartic experience throughout our opening seqeuence as the audeience go through sudden experiences of seeing the demon at several stages. Also the montage clips at the start cut to a sudden safe feeling of being in a hospital with a Doctor.

Our Camera angles and movement

Camera Angles/ Movement

MONTAGE SHOTS: The first minute of our opening sequence consists of montage shots, which instantly introduces of genre of Horror.

MID-SHOT: Instantly our audience from the montage shot, is connected to our professional looking character: Dr Benson.

OVER THE SHOULDER SHOTS: When the two characters are talking to eachother, there are over the shoulder shots to emphasise the conversation taking place and both see reactions and speech of the characters.

 EXTRMEME CLOSE UP: The audience can connect to the character, also the emotions felt are shown through the extreme close up. The emotions felt are of suspense.

 SECOND EXTREME CLOSE UP: The audience are still connected to the character on the screen, involving themselves in the scene.

MID-SHOT: The suddent cut to the demon standing in the room, shows enough to let the audience experience the trur horror of the situation taking place. Also the point of view in which the character, Adalyn Clarke is watching, rises the tension throughout the scene.

HIGH ANGLE/REACTION SHOT: Adalyn Clarke sees the demon in her room and is put at a high angle to show how the demon has dominance over her, she is becoming possessed. Her own body is turning against her.

 CLOSE-UP: Throughout the clip, there are many close-ups of the characters this emphasises the audiences connection betweent the characters and themselves. They feel involvement in the character's experiences and horror.

 REACTION SHOTS: The different shots in which the different characters see the demon have a different impact on them.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Filming Our Pitch: Satan's Swindle

Our film pitch was created as if we were actually to get funding for our film. In our pitch, it includes the storyline, our production company, the USP, the genre, sub-genres, etc.

If the film was to be produced, we would get our funding from Working Title Films.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

NME magazine: Horror Monsters

Article in NME magazine on classic monsters of film.

Social Networking Sites

Our tumblr is http://indistinctiveproduction.tumblr.com/ this is for our target audience. As our target audience is of the ages varying from 15-24 years old, these are the main users for such sites of Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. We decided to make a tumblr to inform our target audience of SATANS SWINDLE, and keep them updated on news of the film/release dates/actors/directors and so on.

Our Twitter page is, https://twitter.com/indistinctive14

Audience Theory

Uses and Gratifications Model:

  • the theory of uses and gratifications is centered around the audience.
  • in the 1970s two media theorists: Blumer and Katz, categorised how and why people use media texts.Their theory led to the use and gratifications model in which there are 5 main reasons for why people use media texts...
  1. to gain information
  2. to be entertained
  3. to identify with characters/situations
  4. to socially interact with others
  5. to escape from their troubles of everyday life

Hypodermic Needle Effect Theory:
The "hypodermic needle theory" implied mass media had a direct, immediate and powerful effect on its audiences.
Several factors contributed to this "strong effects" theory of communication, including:

  •  the fast rise and popularization of radio and television
  •  the emergence of the persuasion industries, such as advertising and propaganda
  •  the Payne Fund studies of the 1930s, which focused on the impact of motion pictures on children, and
  •  Hitler's monopolization of the mass media during WWII to unify the German public behind the Nazi party

Films that have influenced our Opening Sequence INSIDIOUS

In our opening sequence, we have a bedroom scene in which the demon visits Adalyn. We were inspired by the film INSIDIOUS in which satan (demon) visits the young child in his bedroom, the scary thought of something watching/being in the same room as you at night time all alone in the dark is a prime fear that all viewers are scared of. The true horror of a evil demon such as the one in our opening sequence will frighten the audience.

The scene in which Adalyn is being interviewed by the Dr (Benson) over her demonic possession, in which he thinks she is of a mental state not over a demon. As this photo shows, the demon will be behind Dr. Benson, as this will frighten the character, Adalyn- it will also frighten the audience. The sudden shock horror of what is becoming of the situation is sure to frighten and creep out the audience.

Sound Effects

Throughout the opening sequence we have sounds that frighten the audience, as the demon jumps out into the screen. Also the sound effects of suspense just before the main moment, keep the audience watching also creating a sound bridge before each shot, tying them all in.

When the demon is suddenly behind the Dr, Adalyn is shown in her reaction shot of how frightened she is. The sound effect reflects the true horror of the situation Adalyn has been placed in. She cannot cope with the sudden shock horrors of the demon being around her.


The sound effects when the demon is shown in the shot, is to highlight the horror in which the girl, Adalyn is feeling. It creates tension throughout the opening sequence on what will happen next.

The voice in which the audience first hear in the opening sequence whilst the montage is ongoing is off the priest during the exorcism of Adalyn. This connects the audience to what genre the film is instantly and what is invovled. The creepy voice of the priest adds tensions to the montage shots. Also the sounds of voices, is what is of Adalyn's mind- the confusion in which she is involved is highlighted within the sounds of the opening sequence.

Location Shots






Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Title and Fonts

Our Film Title is: SATANS SWINDLE

We picked this title out of a range of others:


As our film opening sequence is about Demons and the Devil, we thought the title linked well with our horror sub-genre. As well as the word SWINDLE; definition-

  • cheat somebody of something: to obtain something from somebody, especially money, by deception or fraud
  • fraudulent transaction: a transaction in which one person or organization obtains something from another by deception or fraud
  • The plot of our opening sequence has involved a demon 'tricking' the teenage girl.

    Here are the range of title fonts we picked out-

    Out of all the fonts, we used the font MONOMADDNESS

    MONOMADDNESS was used from the website DAFONT.com

    Characters and Casting Ideas

    Production Company

    For our Production Company name we decided with "INDISTINCTIVE PRODUCTIONS".

     We got the fonts from - http://www.dafont.com/

    Eventually, we decided the font "ERTHQAKE" was best for the production company name.
    We chose this font because the suits the definition to "INDISTINCTIVE" - where the audience are not capable of making a distinction, so the audience are first established with the fear of what is going to happen even before the film starts off.